Painting from my intermediate painting course

My painting that's "in progress" for intermediate painting class. You can see the "painting of a painting" of a boat scene on the right canvas and the figure of the painter on the middle canvas. I have yet to do the "interior" and "light" canvas pieces.

            The past week has seemed to go on forever, with my painting classes.  Right now for my intermediate painting class, we’re working on a ‘series’ of 4 canvases with each one  representing something different (light, interior, travel/transport, and figure) … my professor came up to me and suggested that I do something that nobody else was doing – doing all the 4 canvases as ONE huge painting … so I’ve been working on that.

For my advanced life painting class, we’ve been working on the same large-size canvas since last week, working on 4 models at the same time, but we’re forced to change our location/position so we’d get different points of view after every time we’re done  painting a figure in our paintings.  So far I have about 17 “figures” on my canvas and we’re gonna do some more next week.  Any interested buyers??

painting from my advanced painting course

The painting for my advanced class -- actually RIGHT NOW, there's a lot more figures on my canvas -- this was just after last week. I'll send a picture of the "finished product" later in the future.

Tony, me, and Chris in the pool

Tony Templeton, me, and Chris Davis in the pool at Tybee Island

Oh – good news!  After four months of desperate seeking, I’ve finally found – no, not a boyfriend – but a job!  I’m thrilled to say that I’ll be working as a “sales associate” (my, my – how nice that sounds) at Bath & Body Works, where my sister used to work as one of the managers (no, not the same mall, but same store, you get the idea).  I’m definitely looking forward to it.  A friend of mine from California accused me of letting addiction get in the way (what!) … yes I admit, I love the products and all but I’m gonna do my darnest to get my family and friends non-BBW gifts!   … well, maybe… 

On the weekend of July 28th, I was up for a little of fun.  On Thursday the 27th we had our last “event” for our ASL (American Sign Language) class…so Chris and I decided that we should have everybody go out to dinner at a restaurant and just “socialize.”  The only rule we had was that nobody was allowed to use their voice, thus making it truly a deaf experience.  It was really amusing to see everybody give their orders to the waitress.  Most of them would just point at what they wanted on their menus.  One woman wrote down on a piece of paper and gestured the specifics.  Chris and I are hoping we’d be asked to teach again for the next six weeks even tho’ we know the class(es) might be smaller.


Group picture

I know it's DARK - all the people who showed up for the ASL "Silent Dinner" at Barnes restaurant ... I'm sitting in the front on the right next to Chris.

Chris holding up a pair of "Phase 10" cards

Chris, at an ungodly hour, holding up Phase 10 cards

After that, Chris and Shannon (his close friend) invited me to go over to his family’s summer condo since I didn’t know exactly how to get there.  His family, as a tradition, spends a week (give or take) at a condo resort at Tybee Island (about 10-12 miles from where I live) so I went over there.  We ended up going for a midnight walk along the beach, chatted, saw the Tybee lighthouse, watched the lights of huge ships going their distance into the Atlantic, counted shooting stars. 


Then we decided, “What the heck?  Let’s have an all-nighter and stay up ‘til the sun comes up!”  so we did just that.  By 6:45, the sky was FINALLY becoming lighter so we drove down to the pier and waited for the sun to come up…so we waited…and waited…and waited…and waited…  Instead of the sun peeking through from the horizon, there were clouds that kept building its way up higher and higher as the sun climbed up.  So we gave up on the wait and got in the car.  Sure enough, as soon as we drove off, the sun finally came out!

Amanda and Melissa at Shakey's

Amanda and Melissa at Shakey's -- Melissa's just being a silly dufus :)

The gang in the pool!

Getting ready for a chicken fight -- Lara on top of Brian, me on Tony, and Melissa on Chris ("Shorty")


I went home immediately after that and took a 4 hour nap/sleep (???) and then drove back to the condo where I met up with everybody else, including Kelly, Lara, Brian, Feather, Tony, and a bunch of others … we played around in the pool (volleyball, chicken fight, etc…) and then some of them started to leave so I went out to lunch/dinner with Chris, Melissa, Amanda, Kelly, Shannon, and Leigh to Spanky’s, a beach front restaurant that’s popular with the tourists.  Chatted a bit, then we went out for a walk around Tybee.  Came back to the condo, played Phase 10 (a potentially addictive card game).

Saturday, Kelly had invited me to a “group date” to Olive Garden.  So after picking up Leigh, who lives nearby, we drove our way over there and waited for a little over a hour before we got our table for not 6 (which was our ORIGINAL plan, I care to add!) but THIRTEEN people.  But needless to say, I had fun … after that, we went to River Street and watched a couple of street shows and chatted around with some others who had joined in with us later.  Tony and Feather invited all of us to go over to their home.  A few people (definitely not ME) had a little too much to drink as we played Phase 10 that the game droned on and on until I realized it was 3:30 a.m.  I told everybody that I was going to quit and go home because sleep was itching up to me and I didn’t want to get too tired while driving home.  So I took Leigh home, following Lara (since I didn’t know my way around) and finally at 4:15 I was in bed, snoozing away.

The gang at River Street

A group pic at River Street - we do NOT know who the guy is standing in front -- he jumped in the photo at the last second.

Chris and Lara

Chris making a face and Lara all smiles (naturally!!) at Tony and Feather's place

Today’s Sunday and I’m ready to start a new week!





week 13 | week 14 | week 15 | week 16